2-4 , 60-120 , |
| Stefan Feld |
| Michael Menzel |
| HUCH! |
| 2020-03-28 |
| Matthias (9M9K9) |
Boardgamegeek | 244049 |
| 3,46/5 |
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version

Forum Trajanum
Emperor Trajan is planning the building of a monument for eternity: the Forum Trajanum. It will be the biggest and most magnificent Emperor’s
forum the Roman Empire has ever seen. The building, now almost completed, is supposed to demonstrate Trajan’s success as Optimus
Princeps in an impressive way, but also foster the well-being and the glory of the honorable citizens of Rome – inside and outside the city.
Each player governs a Colonia, founded by Trajan himself, and thus is the head of one of the highest-ranking cities of the entire Roman
Empire. While players are trying to optimally develop their own Colonia, they must not fail to send envoys to Rome who report on the
progress, contribute to the development of the Forum Trajanum and, with this, ensure support from Rome for the Colonia.
Game Components
According to the publisher, all components (building tiles, coins, worker, assistants, tribunes, builders) are unlimited. This is the case here.
Object of the Game
Use 1 Colonia tile – Carry out 1 building action – Win with the most victory points
Each player tries to optimally develop his Colonia. At the beginning of the game, the rectangular street network of each Colonia is covered with
Colonia tiles. Each round, 2 street cards are revealed; they determine from which two streets you take 1 Colonia tile each. You may keep
one of these 2 tiles and must pass the other to your right neighbor. Then you must choose between the tile you received from the player on
your left and your originally chosen tile in order to activate certain citizens on your behalf or to obtain resources.
The resources are used primarily for carrying out building actions in your own Colonia and accommodating envoys on the Forum of
Trajan in Rome. Through the building actions, players have opportunities to collect victory points as part of immediate scoring rewards or when
end of cycle scoring is triggered. Additional victory points can be gained by fulfilling tasks on the Trajan cards.
The game is played in 3 cycles of 4 rounds each. After each cycle, there is a scoring phase with various scorings based on the players' achievements
in their Colonia and the Forum. At the end of the third cycle, the player with the most victory points wins the game.
1. Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
2. Shuffle all Street cards and form 3 face-down draw piles of 8 cards each. Place 1 pile on
each of the card spaces for the draw piles.
3. Depending on the number of players, lay out a certain number of mosaic boards on the Forum square in any arrangement.
4. Sort the double building tiles by color. Per color, place about one half with the front and the
other half with the back facing up on the corresponding spaces, so that one pile shows 1 gray building + 1 colored structure and the
other pile shows 2 colored structures.
5. Position one Forum marker of your color in front of the first space of each benefit track (library
, basilica
, and market
6. Each player takes the victory point marker in his color and places it on space “0” of the victory point track.
7. Separate the single building tiles according to the color of their backs and
place about one half with the front and the other half with the back facing up on the corresponding spaces.
8. Place the multiplication markers, the coins ,
the assistants ,
the Tribunes ,
the builders , and
the workers as a supply next to the gameboard.
9. Shuffle the Trajan cards for cycles I, II, and III separately and draw one card each.
Lay these cards face up next to the corresponding piles of street cards next to the gameboard. The remaining cards are placed back into the
box; they are not needed in this game.
Attention! For an easier start, use only 1 Trajan card in the introductory game. For this purpose, pick one card from pile III and place it
on position III.
10. Place the column fragment showing 3 victory points
(plinth ) on the place for the Trajan’s Column, the fragment with 2 victory
points (pillar ) on the second draw pile, and the fragment showing
1 victory point (capital ) on the third card pile.
Regarding setup instructions 2, 9, and 10:
The street card piles are not displayed on Yucata. Instead, the Trajan cards are placed on their spots.
Regarding instruction 3:
The mosaic boards are limited to 10 different ones in the real game. On Yucata, there is an option to use additional randomly generated boards.
Regarding instructions 4 and 7:
As all building tiles are unlimited, no count is shown for them and the double buildings consist of two single tiles.
Regarding instruction 8:
The multiplication markers are not used in the online version.
1. Each player receives 1 player board, his Colonia. For the first game, use the front side (A) on which the symbols are identically arranged on all 4 boards.
2. Position the slide bar at the top left of the prestige track, with the basic side facing up.
3. Each player receives 1 construction crane per color(
). Place the 4 different-colored construction crane tiles in the 4 corners of
your Colonia with the colored side facing up (it’s your choice what color to place where).
4. From the 34 Colonia tiles of your color, first pick the 3 tiles with the female envoys:
Mix your 3 tiles, face down, and draw 1 of them. It shows a symbol from one
of the 3 different social classes: patrician , merchant
, and craftsman .
Lay the tile face up onto the left space of one of the two applicable rows in your Colonia – this
special ability
will be available to you from now on. Place the 2 remaining tiles face up in any two diagonally
opposite corners of your Colonia (i.e., on 2 construction cranes).
5. Mix the remaining Colonia tiles, face down, and place one tile each, with the back facing up, on each individual Colonia space – with the exception of the
4 temples that you can already see in the Colonia. These remain empty and cannot be overbuilt during the game. The two Colonia tiles that you have
placed on the remaining unoccupied construction cranes in the corners are turned over to their front side, so that there is now 1 face-up tile in each corner.
6. One Colonia tile is left over; place it with the back facing up, on the applicable space at the river
. Before you do that, you may look at the front of this tile.
7. In addition, each player receives the following starting resources:
1 Tribune ,
1 builder ,
1 assistant , and
1 coin , and places them on the storing
space of his Colonia. Then take 1 worker of each color (
) and
randomly assign one of these workers to each player. (Remaining workers go back into the supply.)
Regarding instructions 3 and 4:
The placement is done during the preparation round.
Regarding instruction 4:
All envoys are shown as male or female according to the player's personal game settings.
Regarding instruction 6:
Instead of checking the colonia tile which is not in use, you can peruse a list of the tiles, which are still hidden in the colonia.
Whoever was the last to be in a city center becomes the starting player and receives
the starting player figure  .
The starting player is randomly selected on Yucata.
Game Play
3 cycles with each 4 rounds
Starting a new cycle – Erecting the Trajan’s Column:
Place the next column fragment; it shows the victory points when building a new triumphal column.
Place the next column fragment
At the beginning of cycles II and III, you place the column fragment of the current card pile on top of
the previously placed column fragment. The number on the top fragment indicates the minimum number
of victory points  you will recieve for erecting a
triumphal column  in your own Colonia during this cycle.
Starting a round
Reveal 2 street cards; those determine a row or column in your Colonia to take tiles.
Reveal 2 street cards
At the beginning of each round, you draw 2 street cards from the current draw pile (that is the one that has no column fragment on it
any more). Lay both cards face up one next to the other in the street card display. The revealed cards (or, more precisely,
the symbols on the revealed cards) specify from which streets in your own Colonia you must pick 1 Colonia tile each.
Course of a round
After revealing the street cards, a round proceeds over 2 phases:
1. Simultaneously – Each player takes 1 Colonia tile from each of the 2 streets.
Pass one of them face down to the player on your right and receive a new tile from the player on your left.
This phase is not played simultaneously on Yucata.
2. In clockwise turn order – Each player
a) must use one Colonia tile on his turn, and
b) may carry out a building action.
Take 2 Colonia tiles; keep one and hand one to your neighbor.
According to the revealed street cards, each player takes 2 Colonia tiles
from his Colonia. He chooses one of them to keep and passes the other one, face down, to his right neighbor.
Note: After taking the first tile from your Colonia, you may have a look at the front before you pick the second tile. This
can be relevant, for instance if you think about taking a face-up tile from one of the construction cranes. However, you may
not put back a tile you have looked at and choose a different one.
Once all players have passed a tile to their right neighbor, they may look at the tile they have been given by their left neighbor.
Use one Colonia tile or pay 2 Tribunes to use both. Take the resources or get a citizen. Own tiles become an envoy at the ship.
Other player's tiles put as a reserve next to your colonia. Emptied construction cranes get scored at the end of this cycle.

Now the starting player lays his two tiles face up on the corresponding spaces of his Colonia.
Then he may choose which of the two tiles he wants to use. The other players turn over their tiles only when it’s their turn.
The benefits of the Colonia tiles
Resources and citizens
The front of the Colonia tiles depicts resources or citizens.
The resources available
The Colonia tiles show the following resources: builders, workers, assistants, coins, Tribunes, or upgrades. If a tile you use
depicts resources, you recieve these immediately.
Builder:: A builder enables you to erect a gray building (Triumphal column
, Library
, Basilica
, Market
Worker:: A worker enables you to erect a colored structure (Fountain
, Park
, Stable
, House
Or you can change 2 workers of the same color into
1 builder .
Assistant:: An assistant enables you to change
a worker’s color.
Coins:: You need them to pay your citizens before the scoring phase.
Tribune:: A Tribune gives you flexibility in two respects:
a) Ignore a street card: If you give up 1 Tribune, you can ignore a street card and take a
Colonia tile from anywhere in your Colonia.
b) Use the second Colonia tile: If you give up 2 Tribunes at the beginning of your turn,
you may use both tiles (your own and the one you received from the other player).
Important: You need to own both Tribunes before you use the 2 tiles.
Upgrade:: An upgrade allows you to move the slide bar on your prestige track
1 space to the right.
The citizens in the Colonia
Special abilities and victory point multipliers
Among the 34 Colonia tiles of a player, there are 6 tiles showing citizens from 3 different social classes (patrician
 , merchant  , and craftsman
 ). If you place a citizen in a citizen row of your Colonia, it will become active.
Active citizens support you in two ways:
In general:
- Every time you build a triumphal column  , you immediately gain
victory points  for the column
itself plus 1 point  for each active citizen in your Colonia.
- The citizens multiply your victory points at the Colonia scoring – the more
citizens are placed in a row, the more victory points  you receive at the
scorings for the different gray buildings that you have erected in the
respective row.
- The citizens may also be needed to fulfill tasks for the Trajan scoring
at the end of a cycle.
Special support of a certain row:
- Each citizen row provides one special ability – and a bonus when placing the second
citizen in this row.
Where to place the Colonia tiles
When you use a tile (your own or the one you recieved from another player) that shows a citizen symbol, you
always place it in your own Colonia on a corresponding citizen space.
Place all other tiles from other players (used or unused) face up on the right next to your Colonia.
Place all other tiles of your own (used or unused) face down on the ship space in your Colonia
 . Later on, you will need these tiles as envoys for the Forum square.
(Tiles you have placed on citizen spaces in your Colonia won’t be available for the Forum square, of course.)
Special case:
You aren’t able to pick a Colonia tile from at least one of the streets specified.
Depending on how you take tiles from the streets of your Colonia, it might occur that you’ll be able to take only one or
even no Colonia tile later in the game, since there are no tiles left in the streets specified by the street cards. If this happens
to you, you have the following possibilities:
Taking 2 tiles with the help of Tribunes

By giving up 1 or 2 Tribunes, you choose 1 (or 2) Colonia tile(s) from other streets in your Colonia. With this, you have
two tiles again and can pass one of them, as usual.
Taking 1 or no tile – the neighbor has the choice
If you are not able or willing to give up a Tribune
 , you take 1 tile that you keep (or no tile). As
you don't pass a tile, the neighboring player may pick one tile from the tiles that he already received from you during
the game and that are lying face up next to his Colonia. He will thus have two tiles as normal and will play his turn as
usual. A tile from you used in this way goes out of the game.
(If you take no tile at all, you use only the one you receive from your neighbor.)
Construction cranes

The corners of the Colonia – using face-up Colonia tiles more purposefully and possibly scoring (once) for structures
of a certain color in the next scoring phase.
At the beginning of the game, each player has one Colonia tile lying face up in each of the 4 corners of his Colonia. If
you take one of these tiles on your turn, you uncover the colored construction crane tile underneath it. Then, in the next
scoring phase, you receive victory points
one time only for each structure in your Colonia that matches the color of this construction crane.
In the first scoring phase, you earn 3 points for each such
structure; in the second scoring phase, 2 points
, and in the last scoring phase, 1 point .
Once you have scored for a construction crane, turn the construction crane tile to its colorless back side. Construction
cranes – no matter which side is facing up – may never be overbuilt.

You may put a new single or double building into your Colonia.
Gray buildings require a builder, while color buildings need a worker of its color. Assistants and Citizen actions can be used for support.
New buildings give you a benefit.
When placing an envoy to the Forum space, the area rule has to be taken into account.
When finishing an area, receive a bonus.
Next player starts his turn.
Single or double building tiles – building with builders, workers, and / or assistants
If you have the appropriate builders  ,
workers, and possibly
assistants  , you may place
1 building
tile per turn
in your Colonia. Building tiles can only be placed on vacated spaces in the street grid of the Colonia.
Attention: The 4 spaces of the Colonia on which you can already see temples may not be overbuilt.
Basic rules of building in the Colonia
To build a gray “building” (gray icon on parchment), you are required to return a
back into the supply.
To build a colored structure, you are required to return a worker in the color of this structure back
into the supply.
On Yucata you have to change the worker into the needed color or into a builder before placing a building.
If you don't have the required color worker to build a specific colored building you may return an
assistant  back into the supply. This
assistant is required to support the "non-specialist" worker enabling it to build a building of another color.
Single building tiles
Single building tiles show a gray building on one side and a colored structure on the other. Depending on whether you build
a gray building or a colored structure, you place the tile into your street grid with the corresponding side facing up. You can place
single building tiles into the street grid if you give up (return to the supply) the following figures:
a) 1 builder  build a gray building, i.e., a single library
 , basilica  , market
 , or triumphal column  .
b) 1 workerbuild a single colored structure in the figure’s color, i.e., a single fountain
 , house  , stable
 , or park  .
c) 1 worker + 1 assistant 
build a single colored structure of any color.
Take the chosen single building tile from the applicable pile on the gameboard and place it on a vacated space of your street grid.
Double building tiles
Each double building tile has two different sides. Depending on which side is facing up, you use it to conduct a double building
action: You build either a gray building and a structure of a specific color, or 2 neighboring structures of the same color.
Depending on the building combination, you are required to give up:
a) For 1 gray building and 1 colored structure:
1 builder  + 1 colored
worker. If you want to build a building tile with a triumphal column
 and a park  , for example, you
are required to give up 1 gray builder 
and 1 green worker  . Alternatively, you can
give up 1 builder  , 1 non-green
worker, and 1 assistant  .
Or you give up 2 workers of the same color (to replace a
builder  ) plus 1 green
worker  .
b) For 2 structures of the same color:
- 2 workers of the same color: If you give up 2 blue
workers  , for example, you can build a blue
double building tile into your street grid.
- 2 workers of different colors + 1
assistant  : The assistant changes 1
worker into the color you want.
- 2 workers of any color + 2
assistants  : The assistants change
the colors of both workers, so you can build any color.
Example: Tom gives up 1 blue  and 1 green
worker  plus 1
assistant  in order to build an blue
double building tile. It would also be possible for him to give up 1 yellow  and 1
green worker  plus 2
assistants  , so he can change the color
of both workers in order to build the blue double building tile.
As soon as you have built a building tile into your street grid, you receive the associated building benefit.
Benefit for gray buildings*
* representing the magnificent buildings in the Forum Trajanum in Rome (see Brief Trajan Lexicon)
Resources or victory points
Triumphal column – You receive victory points  immediately:
The current value indicated on top of the column fragment of the Trajan's Column on the gameboard + 1 point 
for each active citizen in your Colonia.
Example: During the first third of the game, Tanya builds a triumphal column. For this, she receives 3 victory points
 + 2 victory points  for the two
citizens that already are in her Colonia. She advances her victory point marker 5 spaces.
Library, basilica, market – You move your Forum marker 1 space forward on the applicable benefit track and may use the benefit
depicted. From space 2 on each track, you can choose whether you want to use the benefit you just reached or a previous one.
1st Library: Obtain 1 worker and 1
Tribune  .
2nd Library: Obtain 1 builder  .
3rd Library: Place an envoy on an eagle space  on the Forum square.
4th Library: Take a Colonia tile from your street grid and use it immediately.
1st Basilica: Obtain 2 assistants  .
2nd Basilica: Obtain 2 Tribunes  .
3rd Basilica: Gain 1 upgrade  on your prestige track.
4th Basilica: Carry out 1 additional building action, provided you have the applicable 1
builder  and / or
1st Market: Obtain 1 coin  .
2nd Market: Choose an area bonus (possibly even 2, if you have activated the appropriate citizen –
citizens’ abilities).
3rd Market: Place one of your envoys on any colored space in the Forum, irrespectively of the color placement rule
– but not on eagles  .
4th Market: Take a Colonia tile from your street grid and use it immediately.
End of the benefit track
Once you have built the fourth market  , basilica
 , or library  , the corresponding benefit
track ends for you. After obtaining the fourth benefit, you move your marker from this track to the space next to the Trajan’s Column.
For this, you immediately score victory points  equivalent to
building a triumphal column (victory points  for the current
value of the column + number of your active citizens).
Note: You may build buildings of this type even later on (which can be important for the Trajan scoring),
but you no longer receive benefits for that.
Benefit for colored structures
Placing 1 or 2 envoys on the Forum square
When you have built a colored structure in your Colonia, you may use one of your Colonia tiles lying at the bottom right of your
Colonia as an envoy. Send this envoy (with the back facing up, so that the envoy is visible) to Rome and place the tile on
an unoccupied mosaic space of the Forum square – a space that has the same color as the just-built structure.
Observe the following specifics when you place envoys:
1. Empty color area:
The color areas on the mosaic boards have different sizes. One color area consists of all squares of the same color which are horizontally
or vertically connected with each other on one or more mosaic boards. If no color area has been started in a specific color, you
can place your envoy on any mosaic space in this color.
2. Started color area:
If there are already one or more envoys (no matter whose) lying in a color area that has not yet been completed (i.e., there are
still unoccupied mosaic spaces there), you are required to place your envoy in this color area, too, if you have built a structure of
this color. (Exception: You have activated the citizen Patrician I 
who allows you to ignore this color placement rule – see citizens’ abilities).
Note: You are not required to place your envoy adjacent to alreadylaid - out envoys.
3. Completed color area:
If you complete a color area (an area can even comprise several mosaic boards) by putting 1 or 2 envoys there, you gain an
area bonus of your choice. You immediately take either:
- 1 Tribune  or
- 1 assistant  or
- 1 coin  or
- 1 upgrade  or
- 2 victory points
Note: If you have no envoys left that you can place on the Forum square, you may nonetheless build colored structures in your street
grid (which can be important for the Trajan scoring), but you won't receive a benefit.
Attention: The total number of building tiles per color is limited. Once there is no tile of a certain kind left, you can no longer build
using this type of tile. But if only one of the two piles of one type of tiles has been depleted, you may take tiles from the second pile and
build this tile with the back side facing up.
Eagle spaces 
Normally, no envoys may be placed on eagle spaces  (exception: you use the appropriate benefit on
the library track). It is worthwhile, however, to place an envoy adjacent to or on eagle spaces  ,
since each of your envoys that is orthogonally adjacent to an eagle space  counts 1 victory point
 at each scoring, and each envoy on an
eagle space  scores 2 victory points  .
If you have activated the citizen Patrician I  ,
envoys that are diagonally adjacent to eagle spaces  also give you 1 point
End of the turn and end of the round
Once the starting player has finished his turn, play continues clockwise. His left neighbor reveals his two tiles, chooses which of them
he wants to use, and carries out a building action – and so on.
After each player has had one turn, the round ends. The starting player figure is passed to the next player on the right of the
current starting player, and a new round is started by revealing two new street cards.
End of the cycle – Scoring Phase
Pay citizens.
1. Construction crane scoring
Structures of the crane's color score points once.
2. Colonia scoring
Gray buildings times points according to citizens in each row.
3. Forum scoring – scoring eagles and areas
Envoys on and next to eagle spaces receive points. The largest area of envoys scores victory points depending on the position of the slide bar.
4. Trajan scoring
According to the position of the slide bar each fulfilled building and collecting task provides points.
Before the scoring: Pay citizens
A cycle ends after players have gone through one pile of street cards. Now you need to pay the citizens in your Colonia if you want them to remain
active. Only if you do can you keep using (or reactivate) their special abilities and their function as victory point multipliers. This costs 1
coin  for each row with at least 1
citizen (in this context, it doesn’t matter whether it’s 1 or 2 citizens). If you are not
able or willing to pay certain citizens, you turn these over with the envoy facing up; with this, they become inactive. As long as a citizen
is inactive, he is of no use and is considered as if he didn’t exist.
After paying your citizens (or not), the scoring phase proceeds as follows:
1. Construction crane scoring
2. Colonia scoring
3. Forum scoring, consisting of eagle scoring and area scoring
4. Trajan scoring (with limitations in the introductory game)
Scoring structures in the crane’s color
Check whether there is a colored construction crane visible in one or more corners of your Colonia. If you do, since you took the Colonia tile
from this space during the current cycle, you now score for it.
After the first cycle, you score 3 victory points for each structure in your Colonia
that matches the color of this construction crane. After the second cycle, you score 2 victory points 
for each such structure, and after the third cycle, 1 victory point  each.
As soon as you have scored for a construction crane, you turn the construction crane tile over to its colorless back; it will then remain there
until the end of the game. Cranes may not be overbuilt.
If you have taken more than one Colonia tile from the construction cranes in your Colonia during this cycle, you score for every colored construction
crane visible.
Example: During the second cycle, Tanya has uncovered a green construction crane in the upper left corner. She has 4 green structures in her Colonia;
consequently, she receives 8 victory points  and advances accordingly on the victory point track.
After that, she turns the green crane over so that its colorless back is facing up.
Gray buildings
The following factors are important for the Colonia scoring:
1. the six citizen rows
2. the number of active citizens in a citizen row
3. the number of different types of gray buildings in the street that belongs to the citizen row.
Start with the top row and count the different gray types of buildings in the associated street (4 maximum). Multiply this number by the value of this
- If there are no citizens in the row, you earn 1 point  for each different gray building (4
points  maximum).
- If there is 1 active citizen in the row, you earn 2 points  for each different gray building (8
points  maximum).
- If there are 2 active citizens in the row, you earn 3 points  for each different gray building
(12 points  maximum).
Score for all six rows in this way.
Envoys on the Forum square
The following factors are important for the Forum scoring:
1. the number of your envoys on the Forum square that are next to or on eagle spaces 
2. the position of the slide bar on your prestige track
3. the number of your envoys on the Forum square that form the largest connected area in your color (horizontally and vertically – but not
Eagle spaces 
For each of your envoys on the Forum that is orthogonally adjacent to an eagle space  ,
you receive 1 victory point  . For each of your envoys on the Forum that is
on an eagle space  , you receive
2 victory points
If you have activated Patrician I  in your Colonia, you receive
1 victory point  as well for each envoy at the corners of the eagle
spaces  .
Largest connected area
The slide bar on your prestige track indicates how many victory points  you receive
for your largest connected area of envoys on the Forum square for this scoring. The number on the slide bar that corresponds to the number of
envoys of your largest area determines how many points  you receive. The value
below this number indicates the actual points  .
Example: Tom has a connected area of 6 of his envoys on the Forum. For this, he receives 6 victory points  .
Building patterns and collecting resources
The Trajan head on your slide bar indicates how many points  you receive if you
fulfill one of the two tasks that the Trajan card specifies for the current cycle. The value above the Trajan head symbol indicates
the actual points.
For each Trajan scoring, there is one Trajan card with two different tasks on display that you can try to fulfill during the current cycle. So
you can see from the beginning what conditions you are required to meet in order to score at the Trajan scorings.
Trajan scoring in the introductory game: Have only one Trajan scoring – at the end of the game, i.e., after the third cycle.
Notes regarding the Trajan cards:
The upper task is always a building task. Therefore, when the street cards are revealed, think carefully which spaces to
uncover, and during the building phase, consider what you want to build there. (The specifications as to what patterns will score
points  help you to decide where you could take Colonia tiles
from the streets.)
The bottom task is (primarily) a collecting task. For this Trajan scoring, you need to have certain combinations of resources or
a combination of resources and citizens or triumphal columns or construction cranes. You are not required to give up these
resources and might use them in the next cycle.
For completed tasks, you earn 3, 5, or 7 victory points  . How many points
 you receive depends on the position of the Trajan head on your slide bar.
If you fulfill one of the two tasks, you receive the number of points  matching
the value that is currently shown above the head. If you fulfill both tasks, you receive double the points
 . If you fulfill a task multiple times, you also receive the points
 for that multiple times.
During the Trajan scoring you may neither use a citizen function nor exchange a
worker into a worker of a different color (with the help of an
assistant  ) nor exchange
2 workers of the same color into a
builder  .
However, you may do this on your turn to get the necessary resources for the Trajan scoring.
Scoring Example:
in the third (and final) scoring phase
Tom has 4 coins  , that means he would be able
to pay his 4 citizens. But since he wants to fulfill the task “1 of your own Forum markers on the place next to the Trajan’s Column + 1
assistant  + 1
coin  ”, he pays only Craftsman I
 , but not Craftsman II  ,
in order to keep 1 coin  . Consequently, he
turns over Craftsman II  to the back and accepts that this craftsman loses his
function as a victory point multiplier for the Colonia scoring that follows (as well as its
special ability).
Construction cranes:
Tom has uncovered the green construction crane. There are 3 green structures in his Colonia. After the third cycle, he receives 1 point
 for each of these structures, i.e., a total of
3 points
After scoring for the construction crane, he turns it over to its colorless back.
Colonia scoring:
In the first citizen row, Tom has no citizen and 1 gray building. He scores 1 point  for this.
In the second row, he has no citizen and 3 gray buildings, one of them twice. He receives 1 point 
for each different building; in total: 2 points  .
In the third row, he has 1 citizen and 1 gray building; in total: 2 points  .
In the fourth row, he has 1 citizen and 2 different gray buildings. He receives 2 points  per
building; in total: 4 points  .
In the fifth row, he has 2 citizens and 4 different gray buildings. For each building, Tom receives 3 points
 ; in total: 12 points  .
In the sixth row, Tom has 1 inactive citizen and 1 gray building. Since the citizen is inactive, Tom receives only 1 point
 . At the Colonia scoring, Tom earns a total
of 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 12 + 1 = 22 points  .
Forum scoring:
Eagles – Tom has 4 envoys next to eagles  (1 point 
each) and 1 on an eagle  (2 points  );
in total: 6 points  .
Largest area – Tom’s largest connected area consists of 7 envoys. The “7” of the slide bar on his prestige track is currently above the value “9” so he scores
9 points  for the area of 7 envoys.
Altogether 6 + 9 = 15 points  .
Trajan scoring:
Tom has been able to fulfill 2 tasks (1 building task [3 different gray buildings directly below one another] and 1 collecting task [1 of your own Forum markers
on the space next to the Trajan’s column + 1 assistant 
+ 1 coin  ]).
The Trajan symbol of the slide bar on his prestige track is currently below the value “7”; so, for each task he has fulfilled, Tom receives 7 points
 . At the Trajan scoring, he earns a total of
(2 x 7 =) 14 points  .
Total score
Overall, Tom earns 3 + 22 + 6 + 9 + 14 = 54 points  at this scoring phase.
Beginning a new Cycle
Place the next column fragment on the Trajan’s Column on the gameboard, pass the starting player figure to the player on the
right of the current starting player, and reveal the first 2 street cards from the new draw pile. Then continue as described above.
End of the game
The game ends after the scoring phase of the third cycle (i.e., after 12 rounds). The player with the most victory points 
wins. In case of a tie, the player who has the most active citizens in his Colonia wins. If there is still a tie, the player who has the most resources left wins. And if
there is a tie even then, the players involved share the victory.
Brief Trajan lexicon
Trajan (born Marcus Ulpius Trajanus) has gone down in history as the best Roman Princeps (Optimus Princeps). He was the first Emperor of
Rome who came not from the city but from a province. During his reign (98 to 117 AD), the Roman Empire reached its largest extent. And
Trajan undertook numerous building projects and social operations. Among other things, he established several cities (Coloniae); and with
the construction of the Forum Trajanum, he erected a monument during his lifetime to serve as his memorial that has (partially) survived to
this day.
The Forum of Trajan is the biggest and, to this day, best preserved of the so-called Emperor’s forums in Rome that were erected by Caesar,
Augustus, Nerva, and Trajan to supplement the Forum Romanum. A forum was needed for tasks in government and administration, but also
served as a city square and market place. In order to have the Forum Trajanum (or Forum Traiani) built, Trajan first ordered the removal of an
approximately 35-meter-high hill. Prominent elements of the Forum of Trajan were the Trajan Markets, the Basilica Ulpia, two libraries, and
the Trajan’s Column. Trajan’s successor, Hadrian, is said to have had a temple added in honor of Trajan.
The Trajan Markets consisted of multi-story semicircular buildings with shopping streets that were partially roofed, so that customers could
go shopping and stay dry even when it was raining. The upper stories probably served administrative purposes. Some researchers consider the
Trajan Markets the oldest shopping mall in the world.
The Basilica Ulpia, with its impressive portico, probably housed offices, e.g., for justice and trade. The Basilica Ulpia was not used for religious
purposes. Two centuries later, however, it served Emperor Constantine as an inspiration for the construction of Christian churches and the
Basilica of Maxentius.
The Library, consisting of two buildings, kept Latin books in one of them and Greek books in the other.
The Trajan’s Column, still preserved to date, is located between the library buildings. It is a triumphal column commemorating Trajan’s
merits in the victory over the Dacians and the integration of Dacia as a Roman province. The relief of the column depicts scenes from the wars
against the Dacians. Instead of Trajan, a statue of the apostle Peter has been standing on top of the column since the Middle Ages. The height
of the Trajan’s Column is said to have matched the height of the hill that was removed for the construction of the Forum of Trajan.
Originally, a Colonia was a settlement built within the Roman Empire but outside of Rome that served to secure newly conquered provinces.
In these settlements or cities, usually systematically arranged like a chessboard, there lived a part of the original population as well as newly
settled Romans who became landowners this way. The Colonia Ulpia Traiana (nowadays, Xanten, Germany), for example, was one of about
150 cities that had major municipal rights in the Roman Empire. Even though the modern term “colony” is derived from the word “Colonia”,
the Coloniae are not to be confused with the Roman provinces.
For more than a thousand years, the Trajan’s Bridge across the Danube, constructed during the wars against the
Dacians and 1135 m long, was the longest bridge built by humans. As evidence of this achievement, the Tabula
Traiana, a large carved block of stone, can still be found at the banks of the Danube in present-day Serbia.
The Tropaeum Traiani, built in 109 AD in present-day Romania, commemorates Trajan’s victories over the Dacians.
The term “Tropaeum” is derived from the ancient Greek word “Tropaion”, which can be traced back to the meaning
of “to flee” or “flight”. It refers also to the wooden “military scarecrows” that – decorated with weapons and armor –
were positioned at that place on the battlefield where the enemy had taken flight and thus the Romans had achieved
First citizen (on the left) in a row
When you place the first citizen in a row (i.e., on the left space), you receive the special ability and the victory point
multiplier 2 for gray buildings in this row.
The citizens’ special abilities:
Patrician I – a) You may ignore the color placement restriction when placing an envoy in the
Forum. Instead, you may start a new color area of your choice in the color you have just built this turn.
b) In addition, at the Forum scoring, gain (at the scorings) 1 victory point
for each of your envoys that is on the Forum square
diagonally next to an eagle .
Patrician II – You may choose not only 1, but 2 different area bonuses available (Tribune, assistant, coin, upgrade, 2 victory points)
if you complete a color area (or take the benefit of the second level on the market track). For area bonuses, see p. 25.
Merchant I – a) At the moment when you activate this citizen, you turn the slide bar on your prestige track over. (The slide bar remains
on this side for the rest of the game – even if the Merchant I becomes inactive – see below.)
b) Besides, every time you receive an upgrade ,
you may advance onto the next cypress.
Merchant II – Once per turn in your building phase, you may exchange 1 resource
coin ,
Tribune , or
assistant for another.
Note: An assistant that you
received through such an exchange can, for instance, be turned by a craftsman (see below)
into a builder in the same round.
Craftsman I – Twice per turn, you may exchange 1 assistant
for 1 worker of any color.
Craftsman II – Once per turn, you may exchange 1 assistant
for 1 builder
Second citizen (on the right)
If you place a second citizen into a row, it increases the victory point multiplier to 3 (for an explanation of the scoring)
but it does not double the special ability. However, you immediately gain the extra one-time bonus depicted:
1. Place an envoy from your ship  into the Forum (if available at that moment).
2. Take 1(!) area bonus (at this point, the first citizen doesn’t give you a second bonus).
3. Take 1 coin  oder 1
Tribune  .
4. Take 1 coin  oder 1
assistant  .
5. Take 1 worker of your choice.
6. Take 1 builder  .
Inactive citizens:In order to be able to still use the victory point multiplier for the Colonia scoring
and the special ability in the next cycle, you need to pay the citizens at the beginning of each scoring phase.
Citizens you have not paid become inactive. Turn those citizen tiles to their back side. Inactive citizens of a social class can be reactivated for
1 coin  at the beginning of the next scoring face.
Special case: If the first citizen of a row is inactive and you place the second citizen in this row, the first becomes active again.
There is a settings option to choose whether male or female envoys are displayed. Another option allows you to switch off the automatic jump to the
Colonia of the active player. Finally, there is an option to show the Colonias below the main board (Attention: this may cause some displacements.).
The eye icon allows users to show/hide the Colonia of a player.
Clicking on the street cards will show all street cards played so far.
Clicking on the envoy on the ship will show the hidden tiles in the Colonia.
Clicking on the upgrade will show the slide bar and its position.
The "?" will provide you with a text version of the symbols.
Many colored elements are clickable to show a text version to overcome color blindness.
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